Legends: “THE BEN”

Ben, a Colorado Athlete, joined us in 2021, and quickly embraced what it means to Pursue Your Legend. He welcomed the challenge of tough workouts, and applied the mental toughness he gained to his real life goals. Before he knew it, he was accomplishing feats he never thought possible.

Ben is a Barbell regular, and this Legend Workout is both a personal and team Front Squat challenge. Read below for more details about Ben’s incredible journey and his workout.



When I was approached to be a part of the Legends at Alchemy it was a no-brainer. Why? Because Alchemy has become such an important part of my life and helped me overcome and achieve so much. Getting through grueling workouts has not only pushed me out of my comfort zone but helped create a mindset that I can accomplish things that I never thought I could. 

If you asked me 3 years ago if I would ever attempt running a half marathon, I likely would have looked at you like you were crazy and said “No chance.” Well, I was wrong. I completed my first-ever half marathon earlier this year in just over 2 hours. (Not bad for someone who hated running growing up).

Some people might say you can get results like this at any gym. But Alchemy is truly special. Why do I keep coming back? I think the answer is best captured by a letter that I wrote to the coaches out here in Denver around this time last year:


As we approach the end of the year, I want to share how thankful I am for you all and the entire Alchemy team and community. 

For as long as I can remember, and behind closed doors, I’ve struggled with anxiety and depression. I know, you would have never thought that about the guy you see multiple times a week in class. There are stretches of days or weeks where it feels impossible to put one foot in front of the other. I have been broken to the point of not knowing how I would be able to pick up the pieces. When you get lost in your own head, it can be hard to find a way out, and there’s no tougher feeling. 

When I joined Alchemy during the summer of 2021, I found something that I haven’t had in a long time. A ray of sunshine during the times when all I see are dark clouds. A way for me to start my day on a high note, or something to look forward to when I’m having a tough night. For 50 minutes, I can clear my head and relax, and that’s something that means so much to me (except that Thanksgiving workout, f*** that one).

So why am I sharing this? Not that you need a reminder of the impact you have on members, but just to say that sometimes the impact is more than what you see on the surface. I can attest.

Thanks for creating a place that I look forward to coming to every day. Y’all mean more to me than I can describe in words.


I think that perfectly captures what all the coaches and community mean to me. You lift me up when I need it most (even if unknowingly) and have helped me accomplish so much. So what’s next? I’m hoping to get under 2 hours next year in the half marathon and follow that up at some point with a full marathon. Beyond that? I’ve been thinking about taking up jiu-jitsu if I can find the time to squeeze it into my schedule. 

Regardless of what comes next. I’m looking forward to the challenge of it.



Barbell – Front Squat

20 Minutes, in teams:

  • Max effort front squats
    • roughly 75% of your 5RM
  • Team Score = Total Number of Reps / Total Number in Group


6 minute Cap

  • 30 2x Torp Farmer Carry Reverse Lunges
  • 30 Abmat Sit-ups
  • 20 2x Torp Farmer Carry Reverse Lunges
  • 20 Abmat Sit-ups
  • 10 2x Torp Farmer Carry Reverse Lunges
  • 10 Abmat Sit-ups



You can find Ben working out in the mornings at the Tennyson studio. Outside of Alchemy, you can find him spending time with his dog, Bear, snowboarding, hiking, cheering on his favorite teams (go Bruins, Celtics, and Patriots), or trying out a new recipe in the kitchen!



Start your fitness journey now with Ben and our incredible community with a free 3-pack of classes. Learn more and follow along with Alchemy on Instagram and TikTok.

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