IT’S BACK!! The Alchemy 365 Great Race is hitting the streets of Minneapolis this August. We’ve got a fresh new course and lots of surprises. 😤💪🔥
The Great Race is a 2-mile course with mini-workout pit stops along the way. Grab a Torpedo and run it with a partner (or solo!). It’s the ultimate challenge to cap off your Summer Hustle. Team up with a partner, or run it solo. This year, we’re making it even more legendary. We’re asking everyone to pay $5 to register this year, and 100% of these fees will go into a #PYL Fund, to be awarded to an athlete in Minnesota and Colorado. The Fund is dedicated to helping athletes pursue their legend. Maybe it’s helping someone pay fees to participate in a certain race or event, or it goes towards a plane ticket for someone to hike Mount Kilimanjaro!
You can submit your own #PYL for consideration HERE.
Mark your calendars for Saturday, August 10 and sign-up at the link below!
Pre-registration is required, please save your spot using the website link below.