Make the Most of Your Summer Workout Routine

By: Sammie Holden 

Summer is a time for outdoor adventures and creating unforgettable memories. It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of all the beach trips, BBQs and cabin weekends. But then before you know it, you’ve put your fitness goals on the back burner. 

I’m here to tell you, that doesn’t have to be the case! Summer is the perfect time to turn up the heat on your fitness routine. Yes, you really can enjoy your summer, and keep crushing your goals. Here’s how:  


FREE Alchemy Outdoor Classes: 

All summer, we’re hosting free cardio classes at our favorite parks, lakes and beaches in Minneapolis, St. Paul and Denver. All you need to do is bring a mat, some water, and show up to get some sun, fresh air, and get your sweat on. My favorite way to take advantage of these classes? Make it a brunch date! Invite your friends, burpee together, and treat yourselves to mimosas after. A *chefs kiss* summer morning.  Click here for all our outdoor workouts, and free pop-ups at local Minneapolis and Denver breweries. 

Heat up your training with ARun: 

The next session of ARun will be kicking off July 1! Meeting two times a week, this 30-day program is the ultimate combination of what you love about Alchemy, incorporating outdoor running drills. Whether you’re a year-round running fiend, a casual summer jogger, or want to get back into running, I can’t recommend this program enough! Each session is limited to 20 members. Click here to learn more and sign-up in Minneapolis or Denver.

Take Alchemy on-the-go; Anywhere! 

Alchemy Anywhere may have been your go-to during the pandemic. Now? It’s stocked with on-demand workouts to do whenever and wherever you like! Cardio, Strength, AFlow (IYKYK), 30 to 60 minutes classes, or maybe you’re missing Coach Brock; there are literally HUNDREDS of options! Get your body moving at the cabin, hotel, or even just your backyard. Click here to learn more and get started. New to Alchemy Anywhere? Start for just $4.99 a month! Use the code PYL499 at checkout.   


I know it can feel overwhelming trying to fit everything in during these precious months of sun and nice weather (especially here in Minnesota). Honestly, don’t stress about making it to the studio every day. Join us outside, come to the studio a couple of times a week, or do a workout from home. Mix that with your summer activities like hikes, bike rides, soccer games, and boat trips. You will keep making progress and feel alive while doing it.


Sammie is a Coach and the Digital Content Manager at Alchemy 365. If she’s not at the studio forcing her co-workers to make TikToks, you will most likely find her at the dog park by day, or karaoke bar by night. 



Not a member but want to join us? Start your fitness journey now with the best community of athletes with a FREE 3-pack of classes.  Follow along with Alchemy on Instagram and TikTok.

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