Tuesday – 030519

4 Rounds:
30 seconds: Burpees
30 seconds: Push-Ups
15 seconds: Rest/Transition
30 seconds: Abmat Sit-Ups
30 seconds: Bicycles
15 seconds: Rest/Transition

Maxness Minute: Squat Jumps

5 Rounds, 4 minutes each:

Rounds 1, 3, 5:
15 Push-Ups
30 Bicycles
45 Flutter Kicks

Rounds 2, 4:
10 Burpees
20 Abmat Sit-Ups
30 Narrow Mountain Climbers

Maxness Minute: Squat Jumps

From press to core and back again, this workout is going to be prove very taxing for the shoulders and the midline; modify as necessary to be able to keep moving and accumulate as much volume as you can.


Hang Muscle Snatch 5 x 5
Reverse Flies 5 x 15


2x Torpedo Swing Snatch

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