Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Workout

Warm Up
Follow one of the warm up sequences in our library.

EMOM – Alternating:
3 Burpees, 15 Air Squats, 3 Burpees
40 seconds: Bicycles
4 Push-Ups, 20 Mountain Climbers, 4 Push-Ups
40 seconds: Plank Hold

EMOM stands for every minute on the minute, where the objective is to complete a set amount of work as fast as possible and whatever time remains in the minute is designated rest. Each minute, the movements you will be completing will rotate. In the first minute, complete 3 Burpees, 15 Air Squats, and 3 Burpees as fast as possible before resting the remainder of the minute. In the second minute, complete 40 seconds of Bicycles and then rest 20 seconds. In the third minute, complete 4 Push-Ups, 20 Mountain Climbers and 4 Push-Ups before resting the remaining time. Lastly, in the fourth minute complete 40 seconds of Plank Hold before resting for 20 seconds. Complete that rotation of movements five total times to make up the 20 minutes of work.

Cool Down Sequence
Follow one of the cool down sequences in our library.
New to the Program? View our Workout Key.

The Movements

The Movements

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