10 2x Torpedo Swing Snatches
15 Push-Ups
20 Narrow Mountain Climbers
10 2x Torpedo Swing Snatches
10-8-6-4-2-4-6-8-10 Push-Ups
20 Narrow Mountain Climbers
This is a workout that, if you let it, is going to sneak up fast and make for a looooong 10/20 minutes. Practice a nice steady pace from the get go, and look to accelerate throughout the time window.
Built Body
5 Rounds:
16 Wide Leg Straight Leg Deadlift
16 Glute Bridges
16 Low Lunge Leg Switches
50 Scissor Kicks
40 Leg Extensions
30 Abmat Sit-Ups
20 Torpedo Toe Touches
10 Negative Reverse Crunches
20 Torpedo Toe Touches
30 Abmat Sit-Ups
40 Leg Extensions
50 Scissor Kicks
Every Other Minute On the Minute:
10 Minutes, alternating:
26 Swings
Plank Hold
Torpedo IT Band Smashing