Pursue Your Legend Series: Morgan Weber

by Morgan Weber

A legend cannot exist without passion. To pursue any type of legend, passion is what ultimately jump-starts your motivation and allows you to push yourself further, achieve your goals, and define your personal path to success.

I am pursuing my legend at the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota. As an undergraduate student in my junior year, I am studying marketing and entrepreneurial management. My passion is entrepreneurship. No, I haven’t started my own business. . . yet, but the startup space never fails to excite me and get my blood pumping on any given day. For the past year, I have spent my time hosting events with a team that provides education, exposure, and experience to early stage entrepreneurs in the state of Minnesota through a new ventures competition called MN Cup.

I am passionate about entrepreneurship for 3 reasons:

1.Impact. There is nothing more rewarding than working hard and seeing the direct impact of your decisions.

2.Infinite learning opportunities. With startups, there is an “all hands on deck” mentality. You learn something new everyday.

3.Fast paced environment. When something needs to be done, you do it. There are no barriers standing in your way or keeping you from taking the next step towards your goal.

I joined Alchemy and the Alchemy team as a marketing intern for these same reasons.

1.Impact. The program is effective and that is just what I wanted in a fitness program, to be able to see the rewards of the work I put in during class.

2.Learning opportunities – about mind, body, and fitness. You learn how to push yourself.

3.Fast paced environment. My favorite class is the A20. There is no wasting time, when the clock starts, it’s go time.

Alchemy is helping me pursue my legend everyday, hope to see ya there!

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