Tuesday – 043019

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps:
2x Torpedo Farmer Carry Step-Ups
Box Jumps
Jumping Pull-Ups

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps:
2x Torpedo Farmer Carry Step-Ups
Box Jumps
Jumping Pull-Ups

These step-ups and the other movement patterns are going to be very much contrasting one another – expect the box jumps and jumping pull-ups to blow up your heart rate, which means there will need to be a big focus on controlling the positions of the step-ups.

Built Body
6 Sets:
11 Swing Snatch (R)
7 Lunging Press (R)
3 Windmills (R)

11 Swing Snatch (L)
7 Lunging Press (L)
3 Windmills (L)

75 Up-and-Overs

30 2x Torpedo Deadlifts
20 Ground to Jump and Touch
10 Burpees
20 Ground to Jump and Touch
30 2x Torpedo Deadlifts

Forward Fold Stretching – 3 minutes

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