Saturday – 022319

4 rounds:
30 Seconds: Plank Hold
30 Seconds: Narrow Mountain Climbers
30 Seconds: Push-Ups
30 seconds: Torpedo Goblet Squats
30 Seconds: Rest

4 Rounds:
30 Seconds: Plank Hold
30 Seconds: Narrow Mountain Climbers
30 Seconds: Push-Ups
30 seconds: Torpedo Goblet Squats
30 Seconds: Rest
5 Intervals: Tabata Thrusters

Hello, shoulders! This workout features lots of overload training with similar positions (plank, squat mechanic) and stimulus (upper body pressing). Take intentional breaks throughout to ensure when you pause it’s because you want to, not because you have to.


Push Press 5 x 5
Glute Bridges 5 x 20


6 Slamball Deadlift Jumps
3 Slamball Hang to Overhead

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