PYL Series: Reid Petit

by Reid Petit

I love adventure. Getting outside and pushing myself physically and mentally is essential for my happiness. Camping, canoeing, hiking, or maybe my favorite – skiing, they all satisfy this need for me. But as I age I find it harder and harder to maintain the physical strength and endurance to engage in these activities. Many of us have been there. You were active in high-school, active in college, then 5-10 years out of college you find you’ve been declining physically and in a rut, hitting up a gym and doing the same workouts and seeing no real gains. I have realized this is not okay for me. I want to ensure that the day I can no longer effectively ski or go on a hike is as far as possible in the future. I want to be one of those grandpas where everyone is like, “Holy hell, I can’t believe he’s doing that!” And while that is a long time from today, it starts now.

I’ve tried many fitness gyms/clubs, but nothing to this point has helped me towards my lofty mission of eternal youth like Alchemy. And it’s not just because Alchemy has challenging workouts. It’s much more.

Not only are the workouts difficult but they are well balanced and safe – allowing me to workout more times per week and stay healthy in the long run. In addition to strength, Alchemy provides opportunity to learn and experience healthy nutrition and mental toughness. Finally, and maybe most important, the Alchemy community is exceptional. I feel inspired by the dedicated athletes every day whether I’m coaching or getting my butt kicked in a tough A20.

So that’s it. It’s simple. The next time I’m floating through waist deep powder or at the summit of a mountain overlooking endless beauty I’m going to thank my lucky stars that I can be a part of a community that pushes me to be my best self and pursue my legend.

Reid is a Coach at Alchemy Edina. Chances are, you can find him crushing an AStrong/A20 combo. When he’s not at Alchemy, he’s adventuring outdoors or taking photos of his blue heeler Oscar, all while wearing his signature sandals.

[The PYL Series highlights individuals that don’t just tolerate discomfort to purse their legend, they anticipate and embrace it. Knowing what you want, and knowing that you’ll do anything and overcome all obstacles to achieve it is not easy, but it is the only way to reach your own legend. Pursue it vigorously, and the universe will conspire to help you achieve yours too.]

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