Thursday – 042017


30 2xTorp Power Clean and Jerk – Rest the same amount of time it took to complete
30 2xTorp Swing Snatches – Rest the same amount of time it took to complete
30 2xTorp Thrusters – Rest the same amount of time it took to complete


30 2xTorp Power Clean and Jerk – Rest the same amount of time it took to complete
30 2xTorp Swing Snatches – Rest the same amount of time it took to complete
30 2xTorp Thrusters – Rest the same amount of time it took to complete
30 Pull-ups – Rest the same amount of time it took to complete


Deadlift: 5 x 3
Tall Box Jumps: 5 x 5


2xTorp Swing Snatches
2xTorp Push-press

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    The Sunday Huddle, March 20-27