Friday – 022417


From 0-2 Min: 2 rounds of 2 Pull-ups, 3 Push-ups, 4 Air Squats
From 2-4 Min: 2 Rounds of 3 Pull-ups, 5 Push-ups, 7 Air Squats
From 4-6 Minutes: 2 Rounds of 4 Pull-ups, 7 Push-ups, 10 Air Squats
From 6-8 Min: 2 rounds of 5 Pull-ups, 9 Push-ups, 13 Air Squats
From 8-10 Min: 2 Rounds of 6 Pull-ups, 11 Push-ups, 16 Air Squats

Rest the remainder of each 2-minute window.


0-3 Minutes: 2 Rounds: 1 burpee, 2 TTB, 3 Pull-ups, 4 Air Squats
3-6 Minutes: 2 Burpees, 3 TTB, 4 Pull-ups, 5 Air Squat
… 1 Minute Rest
7-10 Minutes: 2 Rounds: 3 Burpees, 4 TTB, 5 Pull-ups, 6 Air Squats,
10-13 Minutes: 2 Rounds: 4 Burpees, 5 TTB, 6 Pull-ups, 7 Air Squats
… 1 Minute Rest
6 Minutes: 15 Burpees, 20 TTB, 25 Pull-ups, 30 Air Squats


FC Box Step-ups: 5 x 12
Tall Box Jumps: 5 x 7


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