Workout #1

Coach’s Notes:

This is a great starting point and introduces three of our most fundamental movements. Always start by watching the movement tutorials on each movement found in a daily workout but let me also add some extra insight to this first workout. Today’s training includes a primary lower body exercise which will fatigue the legs (the squat), a primary upper body exercise which will fatigue the shoulders (push press) and a movement that is excellent for increasing aerobic response and heart rate (the burpee). The variety here means there shouldn’t be too much need for rest. You’ll WANT to rest, of course, but you hopefully won’t need to rest until the workout is over. Given the body’s capacity with these three movements, we’re doing more squats, a medium volume of push press’ and a light load of burpees. This is because the legs can generate force and power longer than the shoulders can and burpees take so much out of people that we don’t want to put too many into the workout and slow you down.

Warm Up Sequence
Yoga flow sequence, follow video below

A10 (10 Minutes)
21 Air Squats
15 Push Press
9 Burpees

Cool Down Sequence
Yoga flow sequence, follow video below

Today’s Yoga Sequences & Movements

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