Don’t Call it a Comeback – An Alchemist’s Return from Injury

By Konnor Fleming

On May 27th, I underwent ACL reconstruction surgery on my left knee. I was told, going in, that it would be (approximately) six weeks on crutches, eight weeks before I could do any significant weight bearing, sixteen weeks until I could jump and run, and approximately a full year until I would be back to 100%.

Naturally, as an Alchemist, this was devastating to me. If I’m being honest, I struggle under normal circumstances to be disciplined with one or two rest days a week…and now I’m being told I might not be able to do Alchemy again for three months!?

Fortunately, this ended up being far from the truth – I’ve been back in the studio taking classes regularly for the past month and a half.

How…!? Well, that’s the best part. Alchemy all but did it for me.

Everything that we do at Alchemy is infinitely scalable, which means that I could do any and every workout in some way, shape or form. (That is, once I was given the green light and continued to monitor progress with my doctor).

In a position where you can’t squat to depth? Grab a box, and do Box Squat (lowering only to the top of the box) instead. Got an injury that makes overhead positions challenging? Grab a band and let’s do some tricep pushdowns. Still working on feeling confident on the bar? Let’s scale the reps down and get you just a little bit better than you were yesterday.

Every day I would come in, take a look at the chalkboard, and have a conversation with my coach. In no more than about five minutes, I would walk away with a game-plan I could feel confident in; I knew I wasn’t going to (re)injure myself, and I knew I was going to get a great workout. 

Has it always been easy? Certainly not. To be totally honest with you, it’s been a real lesson in humility. Not being where I once was, athletically, has been a bit of a blow to the ego. 

But then again, that’s the (other) best part. Never once have I felt judged.

Instead, I’ve been met with warm welcomes and encouragement as I returned to the studio. I’ve connected with coaches and athletes like never before in our celebration of the comeback, and I’m more inspired than ever to return stronger than I have ever been before. 

Life happens. Injuries, small or large, are a part of that. But they don’t have to mean the end of your fitness. In fact, I believe they just mark the beginning of a new, even greater chapter. 

At Alchemy 365, we want to be part of that. We’ve got your back. Trust me.


Konnor is the General Manager and Coach at Alchemy 365 Edina. In his spare time you can find him playing slow pitch softball and flag football, spending way too much time grocery shopping, and helping others pursue their legends.

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