2.5 Minutes:
30 Flutter Kicks, 10 Toes to Bar
5 Minutes:
21 2xTorpedo Deadlifts, 15 Slamball Hang to Overhead, 9 Squat Throws
2.5 Minutes:
30 Flutter Kicks, 10 Toes to Bar
2 Minutes:
30 Flutter Kicks, 10 Toes to Bar
7 Minutes:
21 2xTorpedo Deadlifts, 15 Slamball Hang to Overhead, 9 Squat Throws
2 Minutes:
30 Flutter Kicks, 10 Toes to Bar
7 Minutes:
21 2xTorpedo Deadlifts, 15 Slamball Hang to Overhead, 9 Squat Throws
2 Minutes: 30 Flutter Kicks, 10 Toes to Bar
Thrusters: 5 x 5
Chin-ups: 5 x 10
Snatches (alternating hands)