Tuesday – 112817

6 Minutes:
Hang from the bar as long as possible
…each time you come off the bar:
3 Burpees, 6 Push-ups, 9 Shoulder Taps, 12 Narrow Mountain Climbers
4 Minutes – as many rounds as possible:
3 Pull-ups, 6 Push-Press, 9 Ground to Jump and Touch



6 Minutes: Hang from the bar as long as possible
…each time you come off the bar, complete:
3 Burpees, 6 Push-ups, 9 Shoulder Taps, 12 Narrow Mountain Climbers
4 Minutes – as many rounds as possible:
3 Pull-ups, 6 Push-Press, 9 Ground to Jump and Touch
6 Minutes: Hold single torpedo overhead as long as possible
…each time you bring the torpedo down, complete:
3 Burpees, 6 Push-ups, 9 Shoulder Taps, 12 Narrow Mountain Climbers
4 Minutes – as many rounds as possible:
3 Pull-ups, 6 Push Press, 9 Ground to Jump and Touch



Strict Press: 5 x 2
2xTorpedo Straight Leg Deadlift: 5 x 10



Deadlifts/Box Jumps

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