
by: Molly Hanten 

Ahhh, Friendsgiving is upon us! We at Alchemy are so excited to have over 300 athletes, family and friends under the same roof a few days before the Holidays begin. In the name of Thanksgiving spirit, this gathering could not be more timely.

We live in a world where many spend the majority of their day alone with little to no meaningful interaction. You know the routine: leave your house, face buried in your phone, hop in your car. Stop for your coffee that you pre-ordered and paid for on your best friend – the computer you carry in your pocket. Walk into work while checking Instagram.  Sit down in front of your desktop…work, work, work.  Leave work. Run errands. Come home. Watch Netflix. Make dinner. Go to bed. Repeat? Blah!!! No thank you.

We at Alchemy are so lucky to maybe be the one point in your day that interrupts that pattern and we sure hope we inspire you to be more engaged outside of the studio, to live your life more fully and more vitally. The world needs more of this human energy, churning love and positive vibes. Thank you for being part of Alchemy – we are so grateful that you help us do what we do, changing our bodies, our minds, our communities one relationship at a time whether you realize it or not. Let’s go into this holiday season with a few of the typical hashtags in mind, and how we can and will bring them to life together.

#thankful #gratitude #blessed #love. All words we see a lot and are more important now than ever. But what do they really mean? Here is a look at the definitions and how they come to life for me.

#thankful: glad that something has happened or not happened, that something or someone exists, etc.
Would you believe I am glad Alchemy has happened? It has completely changed my life for the better. I have watched this entire new world in the Twin Cities blossom, the most incredible people have come into my life and I have been able to watch friendships and communities bond and develop. The people and opportunities that have come from Alchemy have changed who I am to the core. Yes, I am pretty #thankful. 🙂

#gratitude: a feeling of appreciation or thanks.
Everyday, when I walk into the gym, when I coach a class, see a post on social media or interact with a happy athlete…I get chills of appreciation. The ATeam, who work relentlessly to bring you kick-ass classes, coaching and overall experience all mean the world to me. The communities they have fostered through their genuine generosity amazes me every day. For that I am so #grateful.

#blessed: very welcome, pleasant, or appreciated.
The athletes who have created so much more than we could have ever dreamed. They welcomed us into the Twin Cities fitness scene, have shared us with their friends and family and keep coming back for more. We were welcomed and continue to be…we are #blessed by each of you. You have become not only friends but family.

#lovea feeling of strong or constant affection for a person.
Where do I begin? My family attends Alchemy regularly, my co-owners have become family and best friends. The ATeam is full of the most incredible humans, who have become my best friends.  The athletes…bring me inspiration and passion every day. Alchemy is so much more than a place to workout, it is a place to find community and I am truly in #love.

How do these words come to life for you? Let’s work together on Tuesday night to bring the true meaning of these words into our world this Holiday Season.

On behalf of all of us at Alchemy: thank you, and happy, happy Thanksgiving.

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