PYL Series: Ben Lucius

by: Ben Lucius

“Ben, what are you doing with your life?” Do you ever ask yourself that question? I hope not, because I don’t want you guys worrying about me, but I appreciate the consideration. It’s a question I’ve asked myself while lying in bed not being able to fall asleep, anxiously thinking about work the next day – maybe you can relate. I have never been much of a long-term thinker but have come to understand the importance of goal setting as it relates to my professional trajectory and personal happiness. I’m wonderful at living in the moment and making the best of things, but have been missing the long-term piece – the future Ben piece.

I grew up never wanting to disappoint anyone. I know this isn’t uncommon but I also know that it’s held me back from pursuing what I want. I always did what I was told, and it worked out for the most part. Go to high school, get good grades, go to college, pick a major, get a good job before graduating, graduate, start working. But what’s a “good” job? Why did I pick that major? Why did I go to college before knowing what I wanted?

My first job out of college is what flipped this switch. After graduating, I zipped out to Western North Dakota where I accepted a job in the Bakken. I worked for a small water and oil hauling company and was given the opportunity to make decisions that directly impacted company growth. I learned a lot. I met people from all over the U.S. that were there working in this desolate place to make a buck to support themselves or their loved ones. I was making decent money for a recent grad, had free housing…but I wasn’t content with what I was doing. The oil price declined and things got hairy, so I returned to the Twin Cities. Maybe it was fate because if the price never dropped, I might still be out there doing something I didn’t love. Anyways…I’m back.

As soon as I returned, I started going to Alchemy Northeast because some of my friends were members – I enjoyed it right away. I was used to working out at the big box gyms, running my own program (which usually consisted of finding whatever machine was open, doing
some reps, then on to the next open machine). Alchemy was my first group-fitness experience. Sure, I felt a little hesitant the first couple times at Alchemy but that hesitation was quickly shed. Did I like the kick-ass workout? Yes, but the main thing that attracted me was the welcoming environment comprised of people who do what they love. This really resonated with me.

Once I started going to Alchemy, I began to think more about what I wanted and what energized me, which has lead me to the opportunities I have since seized: I’m now a team member at Alchemy Highland Park, I’m an independent contractor in commercial real estate, I can give you a Lyft, I mentor with Big Brother Big Sister Twin Cities, and if you have a lacrosse stick, I would love to play catch. I’m a little all over the place with this post – kind of analogous to my life right now – but I’m now living the way I want. I’m no longer worried about comparing myself other people’s standards because it’s not their life, it’s not their happiness, it’s not their Legend. I have a vision of what 30, 40, 50, 60-year- old Ben looks like, and I know I won’t get to that point and think about how things could have gone differently.

If you haven’t read previous PYL Series or community blog posts from Alchemy, there’s a lot of awesome inspiration and light shed, here is a quote from one of them that I like:

“I’m grateful for this ride. I’m looking forward to a hell of a lot more. But I know that this day, these hours, and these minutes are my life in miniature. And I am living them. These small choices and decisions lead to major consequences over time. Every single day is important. So why not be a badass? Pursue it. This life of ours? It’s fast. It can be fleeting.”
Mary Maus Kosir

Ben is a Coach and one of the real OG team members at Alchemy Highland Park. He loves a good A10/AStrong combo, especially if Slamball Squat Throws are included. You can catch him at HP drinking a Passionflower St. Paulo Coehlo and generally being a goof. When he’s not working, he’s attempting to golf or spending time at the cabin with buds.

[The PYL Series highlights individuals that don’t just tolerate discomfort to purse their legend, they anticipate and embrace it. Knowing what you want, and knowing that you’ll do anything and overcome all obstacles to achieve it is not easy, but it is the only way to reach your own legend. Pursue it vigorously, and the universe will conspire to help you achieve yours too.]

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