Strict Press: Max Reps to Failure
…then, without putting weight down…
Push Press: Max Reps to Failure
21 Burpees: AFAP
Strict Press: Max Reps to Failure
…then, without putting weight down…
Push Press: Max Reps to Failure
21 Burpees: AFAP
2xTorpedo Swing Snatch: Max Reps to Failure
…then, without putting the weights down…
2xTorpedo Bent Over Row: Max Reps to Failure
21 Pull-ups: AFAP
Deadlift: 6 x 2
Strict Toes to Bar: 5 x 7-10
Strict Press ( Max Reps to Failure)
…then finish minute with Max Reps: Push-Press