50 Mountain Climbers
50 Jump and Touch
50 Runners
50 Slamball Ground to Shoulder
50 Mountain Climbers
50 Jump and Touch
50 Runners
50 Slamball Ground to Shoulder
Squat Jumps with bar on back: 1 Minute, Max Reps
Good Mornings: 3 x 10
1. 10 Seconds Burpees, 50 Seconds Thrusters
2. 20 Seconds Burpees, 40 Seconds Thrusters
3. 30 Seconds Burpees, 30 Seconds Thrusters
4. 40 Seconds Burpees, 20 Seconds Thrusters
5. 50 Seconds Burpees, 10 Seconds Thrusters
6. 60 Seconds Burpees