PYL Series: Katy Aigner

by: Katy Aigner

Five years ago, I never would have thought this is how my life would be. I moved here from Milwaukee, WI with the intention of being in the music industry. That quickly changed after touring with a band called Canyon Spells from Madison, WI. My health took a dive on the road – I had zero energy, bad skin, and well…a lot of extra weight to carry around.

I started making the conscious decision to eat better – just to get through the long nights of playing and driving while on tour. When the tour wrapped up, I kept up these habits and immediately started to feel better, both inside and out. I began working out at a local gym, continuing to zero in on my diet, and began to feel like something inside of me was changing – for the better.

Something important was happening. I was beginning to feel alive.

I-94 is a magical highway where one can see the big lit up sign for CrossFit St Paul. My fitness journey began here in August of 2014. I met Andrea Jones, got a job at Lululemon and soon heard about a new business called Alchemy. Yoga is not something I’m great at by any means –but to incorporate it into a workout of high intensity was something completely up my alley. You’ll always hear me complain about how tight my hammies are, so I’ll take all I can get.

The front desk experience, music and social hour afterwards made me feel at home at Alchemy. I signed up for A101 and the rest is history.

Now here I am, two years later, from North Loop to Northeast, and now back to my roots in St. Paul. Mentally and physically stronger, setting goals, and watching this community grow across the Twin Cities.

The health and well being of others is truly what I’m after. We aren’t perfect, but if we challenge ourselves daily to achieve what we think is impossible – well, that’s when great things start to happen. Give me a bowl of oats with peanut butter and an AStrong/40 Minute A10 combo – and you’ve got yourself a happy girl. #pursueyourlegend

Katy Aigner is a coach and Marketing Manager at Alchemy Highland Park. On her off days, she’s hiking with her husband (Afton State Park is her personal fav), roasting pans of brussels sprouts, and drinking one too many cold presses.

[The PYL Series highlights individuals that don’t just tolerate discomfort to purse their legend, they anticipate and embrace it. Knowing what you want, and knowing that you’ll do anything and overcome all obstacles to achieve it is not easy, but it is the only way to reach your own legend. Pursue it vigorously, and the universe will conspire to help you achieve yours too.]

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