2 Rounds:
1 Minute: Box Jumps
1 Minute: Thrusters
1 Minute: Ground to Jump and Touch
1 Minute: R-hand Swing Snatch
1 Minute: Left hand Swing Snatch
4 Rounds:
45 Seconds: Box Jumps
15 Seconds: Rest
45 Seconds: Thrusters
15 Seconds: Rest
45 Seconds: Ground to Jump and Touch
15 Seconds: Rest
45 Seconds: R-hand Swing Snatch
15 Seconds: Rest
45 Seconds: L-hand Swing Snatch
15 Seconds: Rest
Deadlift w/ 3 Second Descent: 5 x 3
Tuck Jumps, 5 x 10
10 Lunges +
5 Squatting Tuck Jumps