Pursue Your Legend Series: Brittany Timmerman

by Brittany Timmerman

I joined Alchemy in May 2016, as I was looking for a cross training program to prepare for my second marathon. I had high hopes of qualifying for the Boston marathon, and knew strength training would be beneficial. As it turned out, I got a LOT more than just some “cross training.”

I was hooked after my intro class with the fabulous Katy Keane, and signed up that night for membership. A few visits later, I found out about the upcoming ARun program. The program is designed for anyone who can run 2-3 miles. Weekly workouts consisted of intervals, tempo runs, hills, and fartlek runs. At the start of the program, we averaged 2.5 miles and ramped up to 6 miles on mid-week runs. On weekend mornings, the ARun crew met up for longer training runs. These workouts were perfect for my marathon training, but they aren’t just for those looking to race. Anyone who is looking to get faster, improve his or her form, or just enjoy a group run will benefit!

I was slightly skeptical before starting; I’ve always run alone with my trusty headphones, and been pretty good at it. Again, I was hooked after the first night. (Huge shout out to Karin Norby for getting me into the program when it was supposed to be full – I owe you.) It was awesome to see runners of all levels come together – this program is definitely not just for speedy speedsters, but for everyone.

I felt like I found my niche at Alchemy. I loved that the programming was thoughtful and planned out for me; I just had to show up and have a good time – and that’s what I did! I formed an amazing group of friends. The sense of community, support, advice, knowledge, laughter, and sometimes-necessary kicks in the butt were life changing for me. I could feel myself running stronger, faster, and more confident. I quit running with music. I discovered it to be more enjoyable to talk with friends on a run, and when you’re running too hard to talk, there’s nothing more reassuring than the pounding footsteps and steady breaths of your crew next to you.

Fast forward to Sunday, October 9th, marathon morning. After all the intense training runs, glorious long runs, A20s, A10s, AStrongs, and lovely group brunches, there we were. Ready to pursue our legends together and support each other no matter the outcome.

And yes, I achieved my original goal. I ran my desired sub-3:30 time and qualified for Boston. But more than that, I walked away with the joy of watching my friends achieve their goals. I walked away with friends who support not only my running but also me as a whole.

Cheering for others helped me pursue my own goal that much more, which is one reason I’ll keep coming back. It’s also why I signed up for A101 this fall. I desire to learn more, to see others grow and to watch myself grow. Come join me at Alchemy and see for yourself how amazing the community is. Join ARun or A101 and see how fast and how far you can go, how strong you truly are, and who knows? Maybe I’ll see you at Boston in 2018!

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    Running Series: I could fly. But I can't. So I run.A101: As good as it gets