Coach Lindsay debuts at A101 Seminar

by Lindsay McLaughlin

Practicing yoga became a really natural way to bring more movement back to my life. I loved the new mobility and energy it brought me. I was enthralled enough with the practice to become a registered yoga teacher in 2011 and endeavored to teach as much yoga as possible whenever and wherever I could! While I loved my new found appreciation for movement via yoga, I started to crave more intensity. I realized I had suppressed the athlete I had inside me, and that I was not ready to give up that part of me. I dove into Crossfit and learned that I had a lot more movements to explore. Engaging in activity with complex moves and weights under time and pressure was exhilarating and helped me find new strength, physical and mental, I didn’t imagine I could have.

But as I got more active at my Crossfit gym, my yoga practice inevitably suffered. Picking between the disciplines became increasingly difficult after gaining such a strong appreciation for them both. Luckily for me, Alchemy came into my life right around that time. It was instantly a match made in heaven. Yoga and high-intensity training had always been presented as contradictory, but to me, they combine to create a perfect storm of a complete and well-balanced practice for body and mind that neither can do alone. No feeling was as good for a strong body and a clear mind as it was after a killer A20. I got so hooked on Alchemy, and I knew it was a new practice I had to share with others. I took Alchemy 101, Alchemy Masters and Crossfit Level 1 training to round out my teaching skills, and started coaching at Alchemy as soon as I could.

As a coach and an Alchemist myself, I’ve seen Alchemy athletes gain mobility and deep muscle engagement with their yoga prowess and fierce strength and endurance with their high-intensity movements. But with all of the complex moves to target total fitness that you find in Alchemy classes, there is always more to learn. I know now I’m definitely a mover, but I’m also a nerd who loves to get to know the “why” behind the movements. Why do those toes to bars burn so dang much- and how can I make them even better?! Why does Mountain Pose prepare you so well for overhead presses- and how can yoga poses help me lift more weight?! In A101 we take a deep dive into movement mechanics and how those movements combine to make Alchemists so well-rounded in their fitness. I coach A101 with the one and only Tyler Quinn.  I will help you discover why Alchemy is such a fitness gem and how to make the most of any kind of move you find in an Alchemy class. Who knows, maybe you’ll even become a movement nerd like me.

The April Alchemy A101 sold out fast. Don’t miss out on our next session coming up June 4th & 5th!

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