The big bad strength class, not enough cardio, and other myths debunked

By Molly Hanten

This week, a girlfriend asked me what AStrong was. I explained it is a 30-minute class with compound lifts (squats, deadlifts, presses) and assistance exercises. It is the only class where we use barbells. She immediately responded with “Oh that scares me.”

This seems to be a common response from ladies about AStrong and strength training in general. Some other common things I hear are; “30 minutes isn’t a long enough workout”, “I need that cardio burst”, “I don’t want to get big”,”I do strength training with light dumbbells and high reps”. I promise you, these are all BS and I am going to do my best to demystify these common responses, from my experience. Plus, that body you really want? Lifting heavy is going to get you there much faster.

Common Response 1: “I am scared”:

Molly: That’s OK! Most of us are scared of trying something new and hell, strength training alone can be scary enough without figuring out what lifts to do on what days and in what order without hurting yourself.  AStrong classes are programmed for you, and the coaches know  help you select your weights based on your form and level of experience.  We’ve made it super easy for you to walk into class… now you’ve just got to come and do the WORK.

I used to be scared to death of a barbell. I ran, did yoga and strength trained with light weights and high reps… I also had little to no muscle on my body. Through incredible coaching and starting out with very light weight while quickly increasing, I’ve built muscle definition along with the confidence to squat and lift my body weight (and more!). Don’t be scared, we are here to help.

Common Response 2: “30 minutes isn’t a long enough workout” / “I need my cardio”

Molly: First of all, you do NOT need to be working out for hours a day (we obviously believe in that as our classes are all under 60 minutes). You’d be surprised how your heart rate increases when you take AStrong and just how gratifying a 30-minute, heavy lifting session can be over say, a moderately paced distance run. Sure, you will be more sore then the 60-minute light-weight, high rep routine but you will finally get the desired outcome you are searching for: a stronger and more fit body. Boom. Save time and get more fit.

Common Response 3: “I don’t want to get big” / ”I do strength training with light dumbbells and high reps”:

Molly: This one drives me bonkers. Muscle definition and muscle building a.k.a. “getting toned” come from lifting heavy weights. The “big” women you see are not doing 30-minute lifting classes a couple of times a week. Trust me, it takes A LOT of work to build that kind of definition, which comes from the teardown and rebuild cycle of muscle tissue. Pulsing a light dumbbell is not going to breakdown muscle tissue but a heavy push-press sure will. Aside from the improved strength — both upper and lower body — and increased lean body mass, you will find an even greater aerobic capacity. Not to mention how badass you feel walking around all day knowing you did numerous back squats at or above your own body weight all before 7am (likely way more than your co-worker did all week). Feeling badass as a woman is important and empowering, and heavy lifting takes you there mentally and physically, which is why we are so proud to offer AStrong classes.

The physical changes I have seen from a once runner/ yogi to an Alchemist are incredible and keep me motivated to get back under the bar each AStrong class. Mentally and physically, it’s changed my world.

I could go on with the many benefits I have seen in myself and countless other women during my fitness career but I beg you to get over the fear, trust me and my team and try one AStrong class. If you don’t love it, your next class is free on Alchemy.


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