Entertainment or Fitness? A New Look at Rock Star Instructors.

by Tyler Quinn

This past week, the Rolling Stones put on a concert here in Minneapolis. Since then, my Facebook newsfeed has been teeming with photos from those lucky friends of mine who were fortunate enough to see the show live. Based on the photos, I think it’s safe to say that Mick’s still got it. I mean, the guy’s a quintessential rock star on every level. The way he dresses, the way he talks and caries himself, the way he contorts and pops while performing is a show unto itself.

Just yesterday, however, I found myself in a facetious conversation about Mick’s unique style. Specifically, a few of us were discussing when that kind of rock star behavior becomes contextually inappropriate. Say, group fitness, for example.

All too often, group fitness classes are measured on the rock star qualities of the instructor. But ask yourself, what does the stock of your instructor have to do with YOUR fitness? Don’t get me wrong, high-energy and charisma is critical to success in group fitness, but I would argue that the electricity an instructor generates ought to be focused on you, the student. 

Look, if I’m going to a concert, you better believe I want to be entertained by somebody who’s natural energy commands the spotlight. I want to fade back into the crowd and watch the spectacle. But if we’re talking about class, I want the opposite.

Instead of a rock star instructor whose personality, as entertaining as it may be, casts a shadow on the students, I want a fitness guide that seeks to highlight your accomplishments, your personal victories, your experience, your inner rock star.

Next time you’re in your class, peak out of the corner of your eye and check on your instructor. Are they staring at themself in the mirror or are they staring at you. Count how many times you make eye-contact with your instructor, count how many times your instructor shares a personalized touch point with you and with others in the class. At Alchemy, we strive, day in and day out, to make sure you are the center of attention and that the personalities of our incredible instructors, as robust as they may be, are second fiddle to your incredible effort.

Happy training. 

Tyler Quinn is a coach and founder at Alchemy and Union Fitness. In his spare time, he enjoys reading books, hockey, jiu jitsu, and gun-slinging. 

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