A guide to getting exactly what you want from your workout

by Tyler Quinn

At this point you might be well aware that our four different class offerings, A10, A20, AStrong and AFlow, are each capable of delivering a serious dose of fitness. Furthermore, you probably know that each is going to leave you feeling exhausted in their own way — Lord knows an A20 full of burpees and pull-ups is something very different from the five sets of five heavy back squats you just did in AStrong. What you may not know, however, is that the classes are programmed in conjunction with one another. While each may represent a unique challenge they can be combined in different ways to deliver potent, goal-specific prescriptions.

Knowing what you want out of your workout program is the first step. The second step is setting up your training week to reflect those ambitions. We’ve made it easy by categorizing four general athlete types as well as suggested training breakdowns to help you achieve your goals. Full transparency: our guidelines are an awesome way to get started but a bit of your own experimentation is going to take you a long way, too. Furthermore, when in doubt, don’t hesitate to grab any of our coaches for some guidance on further customization.

Know what you want. And know we want it for you.

Tyler Quinn is a coach and founder of Alchemy and Union Fitness. In his spare time he enjoys reading, hockey, jiu jitsu, and gun-slinging. 

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