Friday – 051019

4 Rounds:
45 Seconds: Box Run
15 Seconds: Rest
45 Seconds: Banded Sprints
15 Seconds: Rest
30 Seconds: Thrusters


4 Cycles:

45 Seconds: Box Run
15 Seconds: Rest
45 Seconds: Banded Sprints
15 Seconds: Rest
30 Seconds: Thrusters


2.5 Minutes:
10 Box Jumps
15 Squat Jumps
20 Jumping Lunges

Aerobic capacity is at the heart of today’s workout; how much control can you keep with an elevated heart rate. Push hard through each interval, fully embrace your rest as it comes, and when it doubt slow motion is better than no motion.

Built Body
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps:
Air Squats
Jumping Lunges

1 minute, 50 Seconds, 40 Seconds, 30 seconds, 20 Seconds: 10 Seconds of each:
Flutter Kicks

12 Rounds:
1 2x Torpedo Ground to Shoulder
2 2x Torpedo Front Rack Lunges (R/L)
2 2x Torpedo Push Press
1 2x Torpedo Front Squat

Each time the torpedoes are set down, complete 30 high knees to resume the work

Banded Shoulder Stretch – 90 seconds per side

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