Tuesday – 041619

4 Rounds:
40 Seconds: Snatches (alt. arms)
20 Seconds: Push-Ups
40 Seconds: Push Press
20 Seconds: Push-Ups
30 Seconds: Squat Jumps

4 Rounds:
40 Seconds: Snatches (alt. arms)
20 Seconds: Push-Ups
40 Seconds: Push Press
20 Seconds: Push-Ups
40 Seconds: Straight Leg Deadlift
20 Seconds: Narrow Mountain Climbers
40 Seconds: Hang to Overhead
20 Seconds: Narrow Mountain Climbers
30 Seconds: Squat Jumps
30 Seconds: Rest

Transitions will make or break this workout – as daunting as the first rep is, it’s important to just get the reps started…and then keep on keeping on!

Built Body
4 Rounds:
15 2x Torpedo Bent Over Row
15 2x Torpedo Strict Press

8 sets:
Max Duration Hollow Hold
Rest 30 seconds
Max Duration L-Sit Hold
Rest 30 seconds

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps:
Squat Jumps
Jumping Lunges

Banded Shoulder Stretch – 90 seconds per side

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