Saturday – 033019

30 Box Jumps
20 Slamball Step Ups
10 Slamball Overhead Step Ups
30 Lunges
20 Slamball Front Rack Lunges
10 Slamball Overhead Lunges
30 Slamball Hang to Overhead

Maxness Minute = Jumping Lunges

30 Box Jumps
20 Slamball Step Ups
10 Slamball Overhead Step Ups
30 Lunges
20 Slamball Front Rack Lunges
10 Slamball Overhead Lunges
30 Slamball Hang to Overhead

30 Slamball Push Press

Maxness Minute = Jumping Lunges

There is a lot of lower body pressing happening in this workout, which combined with some time spent overhead is going to make for a hell of a full-body workout! Come prepared to grind, a little fast and a little slow, but walk out feeling alive.


Deadlift 5 x 5
Unloaded Bulgarian Split Lunges 5 x 20 (each leg)


3 reps of each:
2x Torpedo Hang Muscle Clean
2x Torpedo Front Squats
2x Torpedo Push Press

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